Whilst urgencies can occur when you simply don’t have time to shop around for a creative professional, in most cases, you’ll be planning your photo shoot or event coverage well in advance, so take the time to find out who is right for both you and the task at hand.
When looking to book creative services, there are several options available. Here I'll give an overview of each and explain why - whichever way you decide to commission a photographer - you must always be 100% sure of exactly who will be creating your images.
Whether you’re a communication department putting together a media team for a large-scale company event or a private client seeking lifestyle images for personal use, soliciting any type of creative service can be a time-consuming affair. With regards to communicating your needs and preferences to a photographer here are some tips on both how to facilitate the process, and, more essentially, how to avoid potential pitfalls…
Regardless of the type of assignment or the style of photography, every professional photographer will capture significantly more images than they'll submit. Selecting the very best images taken is an extremely important part of the process. Here I outline why this task, in the vast majority of cases, is best done by the photographer.
As an independent photographer, I take pride in being able to offer clients a truly personalised experience, from our initial correspondence right through to the delivery of the final photographs…